1.1.0 Once we agree a convenient date for an On-site survey, we will start our research and request a deposit payment of 25% of the agreed fees and mileage. The 25% deposit is payable with your order.
1.2.0 For the avoidance of doubt Electric Forester On-site investigations are usually preceded by a short On-site consultation that is designed to ensure the scope and objectives of the investigation are clear and that expectations are fully appreciated.
1.3.0 After the survey, a confidential report are produced, normally within 10 working days and posted by recorded delivery.
1.4.0 The 75% remaining balance is due within 7 days of receipt of the report.
1.5.0 Electric Forester does not offer guarantees but our trading policy is: 'your money back if not completely satisfied'.
1.6.0 Electric Forester’s On-site investigation reports include additional explanation and interpretation by telephone or e-mail free of charge for a period of 3 months.
1.7.0 Electric Forester’s On-site investigations and measurements by necessity reflect conditions at the time of the investigation. Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) is often dynamic and can change from minute to minute, day to day and season to season. Our interpretation of measurements encountered reflects these dynamics
1.8.0 The level of detail in our reports is designed to achieve the objectives agreed and support management of on-going electromagnetic exposure.
1.9.0 Electric Forester encourages clients to consider buying their own measuring equipment, either before or after an investigation to better monitor ongoing EMR exposure at home and in the wider world.
1.10.0 In light of the current controversy over risks associated with episodic and/or long-term low-level electromagnetic exposure, all interpretations and suggestions expressed are merely opinions.
1.11.0 Opinions offered on the exposure levels reflected in Electric Forester reports, and verbally, are based on levels that are known to affect people who are Electromagnetically Hypersensitive - EHS.
Such levels are generally orders of magnitude below current official UK guidelines.
Until more is known about EHS, people’s susceptibility and especially its cumulative
effects, Electric Forester considers such a baseline consistent with the UK Government’s
advice to follow the precautionary principle and is aimed at achieving
exposure levels consistent with ALARA – As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
1.12.0 Electric Forester provides professional opinion in good faith.
1.13.0 Electric Forester will normally neither confirm nor deny the execution of an electromagnetic survey or investigation or the existence of any confidential material produced on client’s behalf to any third party, without the client’s express permission in writing, unless obliged to by UK law.
1.14.0 We will not pass on client details to any other organisation without permission.
Additional Remote Appraisal Service Specific Terms & Conditions:
3.1.0 Electric Forester’s Remote Appraisal service provides professional investigator
opinion drawn from experience of similar On-site electromagnetic investigations,
aerial images and on-line data sources. By necessity the opinions provided in writing
and verbally cannot be as firm as those derived from an Electric Forester On-Site investigation.
3.2.0 For the avoidance of doubt, all appraisals are preceded by a telephone/e-mail consultation to ensure that the scope and objectives of the investigation are clearly agreed and that the property in question has been categorically identified.
3.3.0 Payment is required in full by cheque or Bank Transfer before commencement of the investigation.
3.4.0 A verbal report is normally provided the same day payment is received.
For instructions received after 15:00, the verbal report is provided the next working day. In any event, verbal reports are followed-up by a written summary by e-mail within 24 hours and will normally include property-specific suggestions aimed at reducing environmental electromagnetic exposure.
3.5.0 Electric Forester's Remote Appraisal telephone consultations are recorded
for the avoidance of doubt and to improve client experience.